The magazine "Ukrainian People" for the third time will bring together talented children in the annual children's art festival "Children for the future of Ukraine"
Nov. 1, 2016, 10:33 a.m.
The magazine "Ukrainian People" for the third time will bring together talented children in the annual children's art festival "Children for the future of Ukraine" 9 November in the Ukrainian House in the third annual "Kids for the future of Ukraine" will be setting a new record – the largest deployment towels with wishes of peace and happy future of Ukraine. The event will be attended by talented children from different parts of Ukraine! On stage together with artists will be released over 100 children — students of vocal production and centers of Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Donetsk, Kiev, Zhitomir, Nikolaev, Kharkov and the Dnieper. They will sing Patriotic songs will be performed by touching the resolution, will honor the Ukrainian tradition. A real holiday with the children this day are to give: people's artist of Ukraine, an Opera singer, Peace Ambassador Natalia Shelepnytska, people's artist of Ukraine Natalia Pavlovskaya, Honored artist of Ukraine Yaroslav Rudenko, Honored artist of Ukraine Alexander Bobienko, Duo Anna-Maria, singer Smug Tagall and the musical group "G-ART". The event is arranged for the children of immigrants, their families, brought from the places of compact residence, and children of the fallen heroes of the ATO. The purpose of the event is to help children to revive faith in a brighter future, believe in the good wizards and fairies. The organizers will not only help to open the door to a fantastic world, but will present kids gifts. Partners: TM "Harmony", which has a humane vocation to participate in charity events, aiming to contribute its share to the prosperity of goodness and sincerity among the Ukrainians, TM "Viva Viktoriya" that has supported social activities of our publication, and the charity Fund "Blagoy". The project was joined by the leader of the Agrarian party Vitaliy Skotsyk, known for its attention to the most pressing problems of society. With his assistance, each family displaced and fallen heroes of the ATO will receive the gifts they need. They will be awarded by the volunteers under the guidance of the coordinator Ksenia Kiev. The project was joined by the international transport-forwarding company "ArtLogistic" School "Perfection Lily Oleynik" in which the kids will receive gifts! The organizers of the project — the team of the magazine "Ukrainian People", headed by editor-in-chief of the edition Tatyana Petrakova. They promise that in the fall of 2016, the project will bring together even more talented kids than last year! Indeed, in these very difficult times for the country, all the Ukrainians need a breath of inspiration and hope. The aim of the project "Children for the future of Ukraine" — the Union of the national interests of Ukrainians raise their Patriotic spirit, to attract the younger generation to the cultural wealth and heritage of Ukraine. Also on this day held a solemn presentation of awards to volunteers from the team of "Ukrainian People". To close the concert, the transfer of towel-champion of children — participants of the concert — the real Ukrainians. It is volunteers, public figures, artists are not indifferent to the fate of our state and nation. Cherish and love Ukraine, because she's one of us, because it is us! Date and time: November 9, 2016, beginning at 15:00 Location: Ukrainian House, Khreschatyk street 2, Kiev