The Program "Discover Ukraine"
Nov. 9, 2012, 8:24 a.m.
Friends, we are pleased to present You charity program "Discover Ukraine"! The project started in August 2012, and will end in August 2013 and has the goal is to familiarize children from 12 orphanages of Kyiv region with the cultural richness of each region of Ukraine and to discover interesting, but not often visited parts of our country. Children will visit every region of Ukraine, after which there will be a competition for the best drawing on the experiences from trips. Group-the winner of the contest will visit the Crimea. Completion of the project will be the exhibition of children's drawings "Discover Ukraine through children's eyes". The project "Explore Ukraine" is aimed at implementation of the main directions of the Charity Fund "Blagoy"- social adaptation of children from orphanages. Expected results of the project: - children will gain knowledge about different parts of the country; - the children will become more Patriotic; - children will improve their communication experience and will be easy to make contact, increasing their sociability; - the children will have a stimulus to further development; - the citizens who will follow the project to become more actively travel throughout Ukraine. We invite you to become a Sponsor or General sponsor of the program! Your sponsorship will adopt a positive image and solid reputation, and thanks to Your help bring happiness to hundreds of children! Presentation of the program can be downloaded HERE. With three ways to donate to the program "Discover Ukraine" can be found HERE if You represent a legal entity, the Fund will sign a contract with You about the charity activities, an example of which can be downloaded HERE. You can also place a banner Program on your site, the banners can be downloaded HERE. Contacts: 044-583-50-61 or write to [email protected] 1-a trip took place in August 2012 and she opened in Lviv and Lviv region more HERE. 2nd trip took place in October 2012 which opened Khmelnytskyi oblast more HERE.