Assistance in the amount of UAH 11,578 was given to the Smilyan Children's Boarding Home as part of the "Medical Cabinet" charity program.
With these funds, we purchased an OMRON inhaler, a BEURER inhaler, OBM wall-mounted bactericidal irradiators, a LITTLE DOCTOR tonometer, a SENSOLITE glucometer, and test strips.
We express our gratitude to the benefactors - the team of OTP Bank.
These products are very important for children who have health problems, because thanks to them, deviations from the norm can be detected instantly and help can be provided in time.
Our Charitable Foundation takes care of many orphanages and boarding schools, which also need help in the form of medical supplies and equipment. Therefore, the collection of charitable funds under the "Medical Office" program continues every day. You can become just the person who will help children to be healthy.
You can help via the website or to the card of the Blagomay Charitable Fund: 5169 3305 2197 9945.