Art competition for children that changes lives: "I'm flying"
Nov. 14, 2016, 2:26 p.m.
Gifted children are often called "inspired". Their ideas are light and deep. Wanting to combine such, winged soul, young people who launched the art competition "I'm flying," chief patron of which is the company Air France. "I'm fly" is a competition with a social component. It contributes to laying the foundations of social responsibility, development of desire to make important decisions, not to be indifferent and to help others. In this project, each participant has the opportunity to help those who need it, agreeing to donate a painting to a charity auction. The proceeds from the sale of these paintings will be purchased materials that will give Tsiurupynsk orphanage boarding school, where they live, learn, heal and most importantly, create children with complex disabilities - polio and cerebral palsy. The main prize of the contest "I'm fly" - a trip to Paris with visits to Disneyland. Therefore, for the objective of choosing the winners, the competition will be judged by two different jury: 1. Professional art historians and artists - public figure, the gallery owner, blogger, chief editor, presenter of the TV program Face Spivakovsky and art historian, art Manager, art producer Valentina Tertychnyi. They will determine the thirty best works, which will be presented at the exhibition in Kiev in the Center of Ukrainian culture and arts. The winner will receive a trip to Paris for three days and the opportunity to visit Disneyland Paris accompanied by an adult representative. 2. Internet audience, which will choose three best works. Everyone can vote for a baby picture www.myartsoul.com. The authors of three best works will receive valuable gifts, including a quadcopter and feature sets. The winners will be announced at the exhibition in Kiev on December 23 in the Center of Ukrainian culture and arts. Exhibition of paintings will be held from 23 to 25 December 2016. Everyone will have the opportunity to visit it in the Centre of Ukrainian culture and arts at Kyiv, vul. Horeb, 19 -, G. Kontraktova square (exit from the metro in the direction of the Upper and Lower Shafts). After the exhibition the paintings will return to the owners at the expense of the organizers of the project. The main patron of the contest, Air France, and the partners hope that the competition will help to uncover and show the world the talent hidden in each child, and at the same time, will give the chance to young Ukrainians today to change the lives of those in need. Media partners: Saturday in the victory Park Info "Explorer." The website of the competition: http://www.myartsoul.com/ the contest Page on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/umyartsoul/