On 25 October 2017, Thanks to benefactors was made and installed 25 metres of curtains in the Children's home of family type Khutorny, Kiev, St Nicholas Ushakov B. 1 Ukraine. Family Khutorny, expresses gratitude for the comfort in the house: curtains complement the room. A huge thank You for being always there and for Your help!" By the way, there is a great opportunity to help children in education and our charitable educational project KIDS WOW FORUM II, which will be held on October 29. Dear reader of this news, if You want to help in the organization of the forum, food, travel, Just, donate, become a Sponsor or Partner. to become a volunteer or mentor on the forum, write me! To HELP Financially here: https://charitymay.me More: http://charitymay.me/uk/archives/28693 PS to See how was the first WOW Forum Kids can тутhttp: //wowkidsforum.charitymay.me/ Hasten to do good deeds, improving the childhood of children from orphanages of Ukraine!