24.12.2013 hosted children from the orphanage "Nadezhda" (village mokrets, Brovary district) and the Children's home "sun light" (V. trebukhov, Brovary district) for production of the CocaCola company in the framework of the program "Factory of Miracles"
March 20, 2014, 7:40 a.m.
24.12.2013 took leave children with The orphanage "Nadezhda" (village mokrets, Brovary district) and The orphanage "sunshine" (V. trebukhov, Brovary district) production company CocaCola the programme "Factory Of Miracles" On this day, children from orphanages not only visited the Museum of the famous beverage and manufacturing, where they made the syrup, drink Coca Cola and juices Rich. They also watched the famous videos about the "inner" life of the employees of Coca-Cola, talked with Santa Claus "advertising", played with him in different games, guessed riddles, throwing cotton snowballs, and of course received gifts and positive emotions, impressions . The day was rich and informative, that pleased us very much. In it participated: Тетяна Скригіна - Голова Правління БФ «Благомай» і Олесь Тимофєєв У рамках новорічної програми програми "Factory Of Miracles" 36 children were presented with a set of towels (2 bath + 2 for face) We Express our gratitude Oles Timofeev for help in acquiring and providing children with gifts! More detailed PHOTOS - REPORT on FACEBOOK More detailed PHOTO REPORT on VK Sincerely, team of cf "Blagoy"!