20.01.2017 - First anniversary of the Fund "Blagoy" 5 years of notes together with 30 children in the Workshop Caramel!
Jan. 20, 2017, 4:52 p.m.
20.01.2017 - First anniversary of the Fund "Blagoy" 5 years of notes together with 30 children in the Workshop Caramel! Oh, well my friends and friends of the Foundation of FB friends who know and don't know! ⭐I SOLEMNLY reports - First anniversary of the Fund "Blagoy" came today! HURRAH HURRAH! A lot of things I wanted to say, but emotions and just feel inner happiness from the fact that the Bones we were able to create such a link for those people who want to help (volunteers, donors, partners) and those who need help (children-orphans, children deprived of parental care - all who live in children's homes and boarding schools, children who already live in family - type homes). We haven't told anyone, but recently we opened a new direction - helping older people in homes for the elderly, and already at 100,000 hryvnia could help in the everyday needs of the two institutions. Very nice that you remember about us and the calls of congratulations began in the morning. What is a birthday without the kids? Today at 14-00 we will meet with 30 of our young guests from children's homes of family type in the Workshop the Caramel we eat sweets and drink champagne baby! Thanks also to "Vasilev Pies" for giving treats to children on this day! So, briefly, what happened in those 5 years - 35 children's homes in 8 regions of Ukraine - we can help on a regular basis - 5,000,000 UAH spent on children Thousand seven hundred forty-one visits to children's homes were organized for the friends of the Foundation (volunteers / benefactors) - 8734 members of the site, subscribed to the newsletter Fund - 10 rooms of the charity magazine "Blagami Magazine" in printed and electronic versions published in 10.000 copies - 101 charity event / promotions with partners to raise funds for children - 318 of volunteers who once traveled and performed for children in orphanages MK helped in organizing charity events, helped with translations of news, photographed - 350 person - BLAGOTVORITEL (donate regularly) - 47 legal.company benefactors (donations carried out more than 2 times) - 6 employees of the Fund who are ready to Help You participate in good deeds in the activities of the Fund, and to Help others :) - the 13 members of the Fund who are always ready to help in word or deed! Fund BLAGAMI is a Member of the Ukrainian Philanthropists ' Forum, and a Member of the Association of benefactors of Ukraine. A huge Thanks to All who are with us all these years, without you we would not have been able to do as many good deeds for the benefit of our future - the children of Ukraine!