Who helped: children's center (DSRC) "sunlight" sec. Trebukhiv, Kiev region. What helped: 13 piece thermal underwear. Date: 16.02.2018 Thank benefactors: Locust Vyacheslav Yuryevich, Appendage Igor O. O., Saliy Inna V. Kudryavtsev Victoria Georgievna, Diptan, Natalia Petrovna, Gaidar Dmitry Nikolayevich, Pilipchuk Sofia Yaroslavovna, Baranov Andrey Vladimirovich, cortical Elena, Olena Danyliv, Kalashnikov, Elena, Velichenko Alexander V., Artem Garipova, Potikha Olga, Anton Potikha, Sambir Elena, Victoria A. Pivovarov, Stehna Svetlana Nikolaevna, Buyanova, Alexander Chernyavsky, Alexander, [email protected] for these reasons after Rowena to the Fund in support of the programme "Warming the Hearts" Amount of financial assistance: 10.900,00 UAH To help children from orphanages of Ukraine in the field of education, construction of a medical office or "closing" hot needs, You can by clicking on the link https://charitymay.me/make-donation to make a contribution in any convenient way (map Privat Bank, account Privat24 account in OTP Bank, WebMoney). Please like the Foundation page in Facebook or contact us and find out how You can help more [email protected], + 38-067-215-99-55