09.10.2013 charity event cf "Blagoy" and "LION" .
Oct. 9, 2013, 11:33 a.m.
09.10.2013 charity event Cf "Blagoy" and LEV, OOO . Was made legal advice that people could get for any donation in the charity box Cf "Blagoy" In the framework of this institution funds were raised to help Kyiv city orphanage named. M. M. Gorodetsky 3801 UAH. the funds will be directed to the needs of the orphanage. Grateful to the team, LLC "LION", and Director LION in the face Rodion Ksenzenko Валерійовича за допомогу у проведенні благодійної акції and сподіваємося на подальшу співпрацю! Special thanks to Vladislav Rodinova that has made the greatest contribution! Більш детальний ФОТО-ЗВІТ на FACEBOOK More detailed FOTOSVET on VK
With respect, команда Cf "Blagoy" !