08.08.2014 was transferred to the orphanage "Prolesok" (p. Volchkov, Kyiv region)
Sept. 6, 2014, 2:34 p.m.
Piece of good news from cf "Blagoy": 08.08.2014 it was given the orphanage "snowdrop" (p. Volchkov, Kyiv region), namely: - Sports equipment (balls. badminton, shuttlecocks, jump ropes) - Clothes used - Socks for girls - underwear for preschoolers - Cosmetics, combs, backpacks for sport shoes and so on. Thank you to our helpful volunteers and benefactors who help us to delight babies! Separate THANKS to the family Shaporenko for the implementation of the trip! Hasten to do good deeds! Sincerely, team of cf "Blagoy"!